Online customer portal

Our cloud-based software allows us to manage all of our projects, subcontractors, and customer communications in an easy and transparent manner. The user-friendly platform allows our team to monitor budgets, timelines, design selections, daily work, and more.

For Clients

Once you agree to build with BML, you will be provided with your own user account and profile. Your customer profile will allow you to view the most current updates on your build, communicate directly with our team and subcontractors, and track all incoming information, changes and “to-do’s” related to your job.

Benefits of your customer portal include:

  • Daily Logs: Every day that our team works on your site, we will post an update including a brief description of what work was completed, who was onsite, photos, weather, and any items requiring action.

  • Access to Photos: We are sure to share photos of our work in every daily log we complete. These photos can be viewed, saved, and shared by you at any time throughout your build.

  • Ease of Communication: The messaging functionality integrates with your preferred email provider and allows you to communicate directly with our team, as well as the ability to easily store and track all messages for utmost transparency.

  • To-Do’s: Any items that require action by you will be sent to you in your portal.

Other functions of your portal are the ability to access:

  • Schedule Items

  • Budget

  • Estimate

  • Invoices

  • Selections

  • Messages and comments related your build

  • Warranty claims

  • Surveys

  • Documents, videos, and photos

  • Change orders

For Subcontractors

If you are a subcontractor hired to complete work on behalf of BML, you will be provided with your own user account and profile. You will be allowed access to schedule items, product specifications and installation guides, purchase orders, and will be able to communicate directly with our team via messaging and comment features.

Benefits of your subcontractor portal include:

  • Job Site Information: We share descriptions and photos of current conditions and progress daily - allowing you to ensure the site is ready for you.

  • Schedule: You will have the ability to view the entire job schedule, including when BML and other subs are scheduled to do work, and what work has been completed prior to your arrival.

  • Access to Documents: Ability to access important documents, including contracts, purchase orders, change orders, and specifications documents.

  • Ease of Communication: The messaging functionality integrates with your preferred email provider and allows you to communicate directly with our team. In addition, the comments function allows you to ask questions, voice concern, or make suggestions to our team.

  • Mobile App: With all of the functionality of the desktop portal, the mobile app allows you view files, send messages, and upload photos while you are on the job site.

Your participation is designed to streamline communication, ease scheduling, and eliminate unnecessary phone calls by providing current and accurate information pertaining to the job site, schedule, and related tasks.